Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hit Rewind on the Time Machine! (1979)

Shamelessly stolen from Mondo Dandy.

I was wearing my Bruce Springsteen tee shirt; had this thing about Born to Run back in those days. Dandy has on some crazy white suspenders.

Yeah, we were fab!


Evil Spock said...

Wait, you guys know each other?!? So weird . . .

jim dandy said...

Yes Sir, but I don't think we have seen each other since some time in the 80's.
We found each other again over the internet about a year or two ago.
It's totally foggy to me.
What do you think, Mark?

Mark said...

I can add some detail. Around 1979 I was playing bass in a power trio called Destination Unknown. We were powerful, but we lacked something; that something was Dandy, who had a gift for stagecraft. With the addition of Dandy, we were transformed into Lyzzy Bordyn, a band that could have been great had it understood the importance of set lists. We mixed covers (Van Halen, AC/DC, Alice Cooper) with originals (which, thanks to Dandy, were quite original). We split up when I went to college in 81, though I'm fuzzy on the details, there were certainly some other issues involved that i have forgotten. Last I heard, Jim Dandy had become a pirate, and he was terrorizing the dinner cruise set on Grand Traverse Bay and Lake Michigan. A perfect job for him, I thought. c. 1982. Time rolls on. Maybe 4 years ago or so, we got in touch again via the internet tubes. To my knowledge, Jim hadn't started blogging yet, but he had a web page on which were posted some photos from the glory days of Lyzzy Bordyn. I drifted off again, but then discovered Planet Dandy, JD's original blog. There are some great entries there, by the way. I became a regular reader and comment-meister. Due to Jim's example, I started blogging myself in December 2006. In fact, my very first blog entry is a guest spot by Jim, where I reprinted his remembrance of John Lennon. Since then, the interwebs, and my radio show (as far as I know, Jim's the only one who listens ... I don't know why, i think it's a pretty happenin' show), have kept us in touch, in a sort of mutual admiration society kind of way. But, in person, the last time I saw Jim was probably like 1982. BTW, the photo of me flying through the air on a tobaggan (the default photo on my other blog) was snapped by Dandy.

Evil Spock said...

Dudes, you guys should bridge the gap; 20+ years is way too long.

Btw, I had to guard a guy 2-3" taller than me today, and he outweighed me by a good 80 lbs. (my 158 to his 240).

Sore, but he didn't score on me!

Mark said...

Yo Spockinator, They locked the doors on the locker room today (some water contamination issue), so I had to play in my jeans (since my shorts were in my locker). I hit one three (don't leave me open), and dropped a few dimes (my strong suit), but overall, my game was off ... I had a couple of plays where I freed myself to score, took the pass and ... rimmed out .. coudln't finish.... But I can always blame it on the fact that I was playing in jeans.

jim dandy said...

Wow, Awesome piece you wrote there Mark. It could go on the liner notes of Lyzzy Bordyn's greatest hits album. "Where Are They Now?"